Dead Ahead - A Tribute
Jerry Garcia rocking this Etch-A-Sketch next to an Ecuadorian face carving and a Mystery Machine
Dead AHead is a whimsical art piece celebrating life. A visual mashup of The Grateful Dead and The Day of the Dead imagery, deadicated to my brother, Rob a fellow artist and an enthusiastic fan of that famous little band featuring Mr. Jerry Garcia.
This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. We lost Rob more than a decade ago and I miss him every day. The blending of these themes seemed a perfect way to remember him.
Mashing in the Moolight
Iconic objects aim to connect with life experiences of the audience bringing memories and feelings crashing into the here and now. The result is a composite experience and perhaps a way of seeing an old familiar thing in a new light.
In the moonlight, the big seven foot tall monolith stands
episode in a series
This is another piece in the TechXpressionist series that began in 2011 with My Favorite Machine. Most are a commentary on technology + contemporary culture.
Serious whimsy
This one reaches deep, but in a carefree “deadhead” manner, It’s an eclectic set of awkward companions, comedy and tragedy, just like life itself.
The experience Mixer
Sparks Joy?
Seeing familiar things in unexpected ways and combinations is fun and refreshing. It can brings a smile to the face and a personal memory or story. In the words of Marie Kondo “Does it sparks joy?"
Does this spark Joy? These guys would like to know.
Grateful Dead story
Understaning DeadHeadness
I was never a big Dead fan back in the day. I don’t think I understood or appreciated the deadhead culture. Two things changed that for me.
One was spending time with my brother Rob as adults, both mellowing with age. The second was living ten years in the beautiful city of San Antonio Texas surrounded by the rich Tejano culture and festivals including Days of the Dead.
I think get it now.!
Flowers and CDs
Embrace, by Robbin Belveal
“Embrace,” stone 1977- by Robbin Belveal 1951 - 2009
Brothers in Art
Rob was an artist and creative guy. I could call him anytime about some crazy idea and know he would want to hear about it and have some thoughtful reactions. I think he would have enjoyed the stuff I am doing now, including this Dead AHead art piece. - I think he is. :-)
Rob was a cat guy
Cat guy
Rob was a cat guy. Seemed he always had a cat or two hanging around, even at the high end bicycle company where he worked. A cat liked to sit and watch him truing wheels that went around the world.
I remember once he came home to visit with a full grown mountain lion in the front seat. He was just cat-sitting for a friend. He got some pretty wild looks from people next to him at a stop light.
Brother, Robbin, crashed on the couch at our Mom’s place one afternoon in 1977
Robbin the Hobbit
The quintessential Robbin photo. crashed on couch in 1977. People called Rob a hobbit and it fit, He was hairy with a hobbit view of life. He enjoyed music, a cup of sassafras tea and a conversation with friends.
That last viist
1951 - 2009
We lost Robbin in 2009 to the H1N1 Flu. It feels like last week. That was a decade before COVID when no one expected the flu to be so serious.
Rob and I in 2008
Here’s Rob showing me his vegetable garden at his place on Sauvé Island on the beautiful Columbia River. I didn’t know this would be my last chance to hang out with my big bro.
Last time I got to hang out with brother, Rob. Here’s showing me his vegetable garden