Featured belveal.news
Futurist artist & Inventor
Roger Belveal is a futurist in both current and classic sense. His TechXpressionism, a commentary on digital culture and a maker’s lab of innovation, one. His classic figures sketched in space, the other.
A career pioneer in human factors design during the great digital transformation, Belveal draws his insights from years studying real people + technology.
“Art is the sandbox of civilization, a place for free exploration and reflection.”
Artist Bio >
Join in the adventure as we create experiences that escape the glass
Galleries & Shows
This unique mix of tech themes in very physical art has been a hit in art shows, galleries, and events'; Resonating with diverse audiences particularly a hit with digital culture millennials.
Metal Rennaisance
I always return to the human figure, my first love. I’m sure choreographers would agree no other form offers such an opportunity for expression. It’s not about anatomy. it’s about the motion and expression. It’s classic futurism.
Sports City Art
Art and Awards by Sports City USA’s own award-winning sculptor, Roger Belveal. The Tech-deco style is a bold collision of renaissance and industrial motifs. Located here in Frisco Texas, Sports City USA.
esports & gaming
Football, baseball, soccer, and be sure to make room for the new kid. Esports. Sports are no longer limited to the physical world. Video game competitions are filling arenas and air waves. Fun stuff.
Accessible City
All cities everywhere should be accessible and inclusive, We're starting here with our own city of Frisco TX. Already a leader among cities in quality of life in many respects. Let's be sure that list includes Real Accessibility.
Art for your desktop .
My Sparcline
Art for your desktop, An expression of who you are in a a beautiful work of art that works for you.
Iconic Takeaways
It’s you. It says something about who you are. If your friends saw this icon alone, would they think of you? Yes? Then that’s the one! See why all the really cool kids own belveal art pieces.
What is techxpressionism?
Feeling sick of the slick, over-digitized, sensory-deprived? Join the rawthentic rebellion. Heavy industry steel brings back weight, volume, touch, and even temperature. Remember temperature?
Sculpture is relief >
art in startups
Creative endeavor craves artful spaces. Great spaces are convergence zones of ideas. Art is a gestalt injection, a cognitive framework for ideas to sort themselves out and find synthesis.
My favorite machine
Celebrating the endearing nature of great design and technology, Those things that have won our hearts in some special way. That’s what this is about.
Hey! Cool Kids!
All the really cool kids own pieces of belveal art. What kind of art is you? See what these cool kids have.
metaphor fun & Prophet
Skeumorphism is a funny word meaning virtual things imitating real things. But what if real things mimic icons? What do you call that? Is this the evolution of language? Why does metaphor matter?
Art piece, My Favorite Machine was the centerpiece at Big Design 2011, it was the hit, the talk of the conference. Since then, belveal art is an anticipated part of tech design events in the area.
making it real
Join me in making real touchable art. Just don’t touch the metal when it’s highlighted. Watch out for flying pixels. Dodge or burn. Heal is slow and Undo broken. Have fun!
Art through the ages carries some cultural and spiritual dimensions. We can explore those old themes along with some new ideas and contemporary imagery.