Wide Sidewalks Part II for Historic DOWNTOWN Frisco
Solve traffic for a better Main street EXPERIENCE
It is imperative to:
Make a safer, more pedestrian-friendly walking experience.
Increase traffic throughput capacity and flow for a more pleasant and efficient driving experience.
Declutter the street for a calmer aesthetic experience spending time in the Historic Frisco Arts District.
Make a commercially successful place for businesses to thrive, by having the right traffic, patrons who enjoy being downtown.
Create a core place of community that draws positive attention, fulfilling its important role in the overall Frisco experience.
One-Way, A key factor
One Way to fix it - One way traffic flow helps enable all of these in several ways, among these notably is to remove the need for a center left turn divider, freeing up several feet of space to then be given the widen the sidewalks on either side of the street.
Where does the traffic go?
Main Street is overburdened. A companion street is needed to take half the traffic. So, here briefly are some simple diagrams for your consideration. I have my opinions and I'm happy to share them on each one of these options. I'd like to hear your thoughts as well. Feel free to post you views on the Frisco Intersections Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/FriscoIntersections/
Some Alternatives
In my first post, I suggested Oak street one block to the north. When you drive toward downtown from the DNT, just as you are crossing the tracks, you look up and see Oak street is straight ahead perfectly in line with Main; it seems like an obvious option. However, as some point out, there might be other options that could be less disruptive to the residential neighborhoods.
Option 1 makes a nice straight line, just seems logical.
Elm Options
One block south of Main is Elm Street. Elm which as some point out is already very commercialized, yet could use some improvements. Sending eastbound traffic onto Elm would produce virtually the same benefits of unburdening Main as the Oak alternative, but with different challenges connecting it all together. There are at least two variations I can imagine.
Option 2a
Keeps the traffic in the area already commercialized.
Option 2b -
Same as 2A, but cuts over at the water tower. Less elegant.
Option 3 - Both?
And lastly, some have suggested employing both of these streets, moving vehicle traffic altogether from this little section of Main Street. This goes further than i think necessary. i think it takes too much visibility away from Main street.. And it would the most costly and disruptive. What do you think?
Option 3 -
Moves both directions of traffic off of Main.
Let's talk about it
All things are up for discussion. in my view,. All have pros and cons. The only option I consider not reasonable is to leave everything as it is. The status quo configuration is simply not robust enough for Frisco's future.
Thanks for listening! I'm content to have helped this discussion to happen. Now, I'd like to listen to others and see where it goes.
Leave your comments at Frisco Intersections Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/FriscoIntersections/